Are you the pals biggest fan

Hello this is a quiz about what member of the pals are you sum are not even questions weird but it was stressful make ING it so happy you clicked on it

In this one has sum questions not even questions you will need google translate for one question it tells you when you need it open the question is English the answers are Japanese

Created by: JOJO cookie
  1. Do you watch the pals on YT
  2. Who is your fave member of the pals
  3. I am sub what do you do p.s if im sub im warring a mask
  4. Who is your fave ship
  5. What do you hope for
  6. Am I running out of ideas
  7. Blah blah blah
  8. Can you help me p.s use google translate for this all Japanese
  9. Come on brain
  10. Are you excited for your results

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Quiz topic: Am I the pals biggest fan
