Are you TBDL or not

Some teens act like baby's and or like to wear diapers to poop and pee and get change by mommy or daddy they aren't either of this things and are just a teen.

I'm a diaper lover don't judge me or I'll judge you when you get Teenbaby, Aww dose wittle baby need a diapy change or do need a nap, looks like you wet your pants little baby back to diapers for you.

Created by: messydiaperbaby
  1. What is your gender
  2. what do you wear?
  3. what would you do if your parents forced wet your pants in public?
  4. what do sleep in at night?
  5. who take care of you?
  6. what do wear at night?
  7. at a sleepover your friends dared you to act like a baby for the rest of the sleepover.
  8. Your parents come into your and say you have been bad lately and puts a diaper on you then puts you in car sit and then drives to the mall and then puts you in a onesies and walks you to buy pacifiers,diapers and baby bottles and then take you to the food court and says really loud my cute baby make a stinky in is diaper?
  9. do you wet and soil your diapers?
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I TBDL or not

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