Are you suitable to be apart of SRC?

This is a test to see if you fit in our cult! Gsisigsjfzufsigxkydiysitxkysuhofohfufoufoufoufoufoufoufoufoucoufuofoufoufoufoufuofoufoufoufoyfoufoyfoufokhxkhx

This cult has some pretty strict requirements, so to test if you fit, do this quiz! Good luck! Chkcohfohdoydoydohdlhxlhxlhdlydlhflhclhflhdludludlhddfhoxgoxxogiyd

Created by: random?
  1. What gender are you?
  2. Do you have a sexuality?
  3. Are you racist?
  4. Are you genderfluid?
  5. Are you a furry?
  6. Are you sexist?
  7. What type of furry are you/do you like?1. Furries2. Protogens
  8. Do you play Roblox
  9. Do you use Roblox Studio
  10. Do you use Discord? (MOST IMPORTANT)

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Quiz topic: Am I suitable to be apart of SRC?
