Are you suicidal

Are u suicidal I am I have had 3 suicide attempts and I cutI’m lesbian so I get made of and I’m non binary so ppl say that I’m stupid and ugly bc it’s true I’m stupid

My depression is so bad that I tried to hang my self and jump of my moms car and I stood in front of a truck in the street I have anorexia and anxiety and I’m homeschooled bc I had panic attack’s at school

Created by: Caro
  1. Do you self harm
  2. Do you think of suicide
  3. Do you have depression
  4. Do you Have low self worth
  5. Do you get bullied
  6. Have had a suicide attempt
  7. Do you think your suicidal
  8. Do you think that your worthless
  9. What do you think you’ll get
  10. Do you have low self esteem

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