Are You Succeeding in Life?

Many have debated the meaning of life. Life is limited by an inevitable death, so you must make the most of it. This doesn't mean spend all your time addicted to what you like.

This quiz will measure your success in life across multiple aspects. Part of success involves having the right skills necessary for the job. In this case, it involves having the right balance of capabilities.

Created by: A Failure at Life
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. How satisfied are you with your life right now?
  4. How many past failures do you have?
  5. Are you satisfied with the number of friends you have?
  6. What was your average grade in school?
  7. How many extra-curricular activities did you do in school?
  8. How much time do you spend in front of a screen on average each week? Do not include work-related or knowledge-seeking screen time.
  9. How many serious injuries e.g. broken bones have you suffered from as a result of your own stupidity?
  10. Do you set goals?
  11. How many languages do you know?
  12. What do you think of introverts?
  13. How much money do you spend each year trying to follow the latest trends? If you are a child, how much do your parents spend to buy you the latest trending items?
  14. How fit are you?
  15. How many careless mistakes did you make when you had exams in school?
  16. How many unexpected and significant academic failures did you have in the past e.g. unexpectedly answering an entire essay wrong?
  17. At what age did you first have sex with someone else?
  18. Do you care about current issues such as global warming, pollution, war, etc?
  19. How much time do you spend on social media each day?
  20. How close are you to achieving your goals when the goal is reasonable?
  21. How much money do you earn each year?
  22. Do you know how to do any of the following: write a strong argument, control yourself, manage time, make good decisions, research, basic accounting, cook, differentiate valuable information from useless information?
  23. Are you addicted to any of the following: gaming, alcohol, smoking, sex, legal drugs, illegal drugs, or gambling?
  24. How much moderate physical exercise do you get each week? Moderate physical activity includes fast walking.
  25. Do you feel a sense of purpose in living?
  26. Which one of these is your biggest weakness?
  27. How motivated are you?
  28. Have you ever been in jail?
  29. Have you ever been expelled or suspended from school?
  30. Do you look after yourself well?
  31. How often do you get to travel? Do not include travel for work.
  32. How high are your personal standards?
  33. How much money do you donate to charities?
  34. Do you know basic first aid e.g. CPR?
  35. How often do you do something silly or stupid because you fail to pay attention to detail e.g. taking some pork out of the fridge and cooking it only to realise you should've cooked the ham that was already ready to cook?
  36. Are you pedantic about things such as spelling extravert, caesium, etc. correctly?

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Quiz topic: Am I Succeeding in Life?
