Are you stupid or smart?

Your friends call you stupid? Take this quiz to find out if they are right. Do you think you stupid or smart? Do your friends call you stupid? Are they right? Don't forget to share this quiz!

Have fun, don't get angry if the quiz says you are stupid, remember, it is just a silly quiz. Don't take it to seriously. It it just for fun. Share it if you like it!

Created by: charla
  1. Three octopuses walk into a bar. What do they order?
  2. A plane crashes on the Canada/USA border. Where are the survivors buried?
  3. A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed three days, and rode out on Friday. How is this possible?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Do you think you are stupid?
  6. What subject do you do best in at school?
  7. What is your favorite show from the options below?
  8. What is the next didget of the number sequence below?1, 1, 2, 3, 5...
  9. What was the winning side in the US Civil War?
  10. Do you have an IPad?

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid or smart?
