Are you stupid?

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Are you stupid?!?! Have you ever asked yourself that question? This quiz is more like a fun quiz it is not something very important or serious so do not worry whatever your score will be!

There are 10 questions. Each of them are important to answer. They are not hard by the way. Be honest for the better result (if you want your score to be true).

Created by: Emma7
  1. Let's go with a math question: 1+1=?
  2. Is white darker than black or black darker than white?
  3. Would you jump from a high place (with no chances to survive) just for winning a big bag full of money?
  4. Do you know your name?
  5. Do you think superman exists?
  6. Can elephants fly?
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  8. Is 7 bigger than 1?
  9. What planet are you living on?
  10. Do you think you are stupid?

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid?
