are you strong or easy?

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are you strong and dont let people fool with you and dont want suport even when you need it you just let them help when you know for a fact you cant do it alone, find out on this quiz.

are you weak and need suport 24/7 and hate trying it on your own just want someone threr just want an exuse if this is wrong take this quiz and find out.

Created by: alycia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you know what love is?
  2. have you ever been in love?
  3. have you ever got your heart broken by somone?
  4. do you belive in love?
  5. do you belive that youll ever fall in love?
  6. you will you do any thing to stay in a relationship with some one?
  7. would you go back out with someone who was using you and didnt really like you?
  8. would you ever go out with a person just to make some one else jelous?
  9. would you ever go out with someone that you dont relly know?
  10. no madder what age what happends or what sex they are wich comes first a boy/girl friend or a best friend

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Quiz topic: Am I strong or easy?