Are You Stealthy

Test you knowledge, smartness and your senses to complete this quiz. If you beat the quiz Congratulations you are a stealth professional. If you failed the test, well better luck next time buddy.

Are You A Stealth Master? Try This quiz. This quiz will tell you if you need work on your stealth or your just pro and you don't need no help from nobody.

Created by: Jake

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are Trapped in a Room,and a enemy is about to walk in. What Do You Do?
  2. Your walking down a hallway, you see 2 shadows. What do you do?
  3. Your in the middle of the street, 30 enemies are about go down the street. Where will you go?
  4. You have to kill 10 enemies without being noticed. What do you use?
  5. Halfway there! How do you feel?
  6. It's night time, You need to blend in with the shadows. What colour uniform do you where?
  7. A bunch of enemies catch you hacking into their system. What do you do?
  8. Do You work with team mates?
  9. Which game is based on real events, in the war.
  10. Is Call of duty realistic?

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Quiz topic: Am I Stealthy