are you sonic,knuckles,or shadow

Sonic,Shadow, and Knuckles are all great guys.but which one are you? take this test to see , if you don't want to, go ahead, it`s all good to me. because if you don't i just made this quiz for nothing!;-;.←(me crying)

which boy will you get,please rate my quiz, give me some comments,eat some grapes, and please give me good ideas for quizzes.because i need more ideas for more fun you know? well, bye have a good time!

Created by: knucklesthegreat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do for fun?
  2. Do you like to eat chili dogs?
  3. What's you`re favorite color?
  4. What type of movies do you watch?
  5. Are you:
  6. Which side are you on?
  7. Would you kiss on the first date?
  8. The next three questions will not count,OK?
  9. Will you comment?
  10. Did you like the quiz?
  11. Did you like the quiz?
  12. Do you like grapes?

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Quiz topic: Am I sonic,knuckles,or shadow