Are you smarter then me? ( I am a ten year old)

I am a straight A student so good luck well wutever qwerty ui op asd f ghjkjhk vhhlfd xcmcm cfkdk dkdl kkomknkl;lj oojujkuionh nhhdfhdmk nnbhdhhhfdr hhgdddhk gvvjkm yhjkjb uhhjh uhjb hhnn jj

cjhjfbnncb fhcv chfn cndn chcf chcndfnm cv vj jdc j cbef vcj cwd jczk kdsc v GOOD LUCK weiougvj fivknv vknvdkm v kkm vkvkmv cvn kvm , ,mmc mvkj v vvjfvj v djvkkv cv kvkj v vj jdsj dsvj sdjsdjk c sdkjvcjsxnc dskb dsjkds j dskj j j j j jkjkjdsjds dkjdfjk kjsdc

Created by: Laura

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The largest ecosystem on earth is called the...
  2. What does LCM stand for?
  3. How many times did Hellen Keller go back to help other slaves?
  4. What do the thirteen stripes on the flag stand for?
  5. Fill in he blank The ______ gold rush
  6. True or false There were 2 industrial revolutions.
  7. Well i am out of questions
  8. Well ok
  9. Who made public schools?
  10. What is the most poisonis spider?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter then me? ( I am a ten year old)