Are you smarter then me at history?

I hope you really enjoy this quiz. Who knows, you may be smarter than me at history!!! Not likely, but you never know.

Do your best and ENJOY!! We will find out how well you know history. Did you pay attention in class?

Created by: Jackiefrenchsuperfan
  1. Why did king henry the 8th divorce Anne of cleves?
  2. What did Hitler study to be before he became councillor of Germany?
  3. What part of his body did Vincent Van Gough chop off?
  4. Where did Marie Antoinette come from?
  5. Crossants are not originally french. they are...
  6. True or false. Spartacus had an Army of 8,000 slaves.
  7. True or false. Rats used to live in women's wigs in the 18th century.
  8. why did henry the 8th have Six wives?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Goodbye.

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter then me at history?