are you smarter than me

My quiz is a mixed topic.It ranges from history to science.It is forteen questions long.I hope you are interested becuase I am in the eieth grade and I think I am smarter than you so prove it.Mabye you are smarter or dumber.

Cool you have the brain power but it was all luck.If you took it again and it will have a diferent score.Still got a good score because you cheated.Cheater.Wiat about five days then come back.

Created by: chris

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what date did the titanic sink
  2. what is the largest animal
  3. how many tons does a blue whale weigh
  4. the titanic was how long
  5. true or false. jupiter has a solid surface
  6. the sahara desert is on what continent
  7. true or false. the emu is the smartest bird
  8. kazakhstan is on what continent
  9. is egypt closer to the south or north pole
  10. wich of the following culters was not on north or south amerisca
  11. what is the capital of france?
  12. what hapend on march 17,1790

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than me