Are you smarter than a ice cube?

Ice cube has 32 degrees. (In college) You say "Lets have a quiz to find out who's smarter!" Ice cube says "Your on!" Ice cube and his buddys will be quizing you now!

(And yes, I am using a winter pun... sorry for the pun haters!) (Ice cube) "Be careful! Some of my friends.. lets say, are kinda rough you know.. so be careful!"

Created by: San
  1. How many degrees do you have?
  2. Now what is 1234-78?
  3. Who is the Creator of this freaking world? (Quiz creation)
  4. 123,432? or y6266762q? longer
  5. Enter your question, then enter possible answers. Leave blank any lines for answers that you are not using, i.e. if you only want four answers then fill in the first four answer lines and leave the last two blank. You can have a maximum of six answers per question. -Ice cube
  6. What is smarter? Ice cube, or Steam?
  7. (Ice cube) What is (5 X 6) + 100/2 X 5 ?
  8. (Fire) Hey you! (You) Me? (Fire) Yes! come here! (Ice cube) Don't trust him!
  9. (If you followed fire, you got a$$ slapped and no point!) (If you followed Ice cube, he gave you some lunch and you started the quiz again)
  10. (Ice Cube) "Last question! Do YOU think, my a$$ is sexy?"

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than a ice cube?