Are you smarter than a fifth grader?????

Are YOU smarter than a fifth grader? find out in this amazing test. Will you have to go back to school study a lot and come back, or will you beat the test and brag to your friends.

There are many smart people in this world. You can become one of them by taking this test and see if you are smarter than the smartest fifth grader. Don't look for some answers online.

Created by: Elliott_j
  1. Do you know long division?
  2. what is 160 x 233?
  3. Have you learned about fractions?
  4. 6,000 X 295=
  5. Do you know math?
  6. Do you know about the Declaration of Independence?
  7. Did you learn about how water can destroy rocks and things over time?
  8. 630 divided by 6 is:
  9. Can you read a chart and do you know about the X and Y sides?
  10. Is a 90 degree angle-
  11. Is an obtuse angle-

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than a fifth grader?????