Are you smarter than a 9th grader?

The TV show, "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader" inspired me to do this. These are basic easy questions on my daily homework. Are you up to it? Do you want to find out whether you could pass all over again, and have good grades? This quiz shall determine.

Are YOU a 9th grade genius? Could you pass and live through the tourture again? This quiz shall deterime whether or not, you are smarter than a 9th grader.

Created by: cess
  1. In the story "Romeo and Juliet" what did Paris ask Lord Capulet?
  2. 4(3x-89m+13w)
  3. What do positve and negative charges on a battery, magnet, or any other object when they're stuck together?
  4. In "To Kill A Mocking Bird", who does Scout,Dill, and Jem want to persuade out of the house?
  5. In what rhythm did Shakespear always write in?
  6. What counties border Germany?
  7. What colors are Germany's flag?
  8. Solve for R. GR-T+S=C
  9. Is "Scout" from "To kill a Mocking Bird" a girl or a boy???
  10. In Romeo and Juliet, how old is Juliet and Romeo in the book?
  11. What is the mathmatical equation to solve for distance?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than a 9th grader?