Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Sure there are many smart people in the world... but there are very very little geniuses in the world. Thanks for playing!!!!!!!! Find out if you are smart taking my quiz.

Sure there are many smart people in the world... but there are very very little geniuses in the world. Thanks for playing!!!!!!!! Find out if you are smart taking my quiz. Good Luck!

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is 2+1?
  2. What is the capital of Arizona?
  3. What is an acute angle?
  4. Where is The Bahamas?
  5. What numbers are prime?
  6. What day do I have C.C.D?
  7. Should you get plenty of air when studying?
  8. Where is Benin?
  9. Where is New York?
  10. What color is the U.S. flag?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than a 5th grader?