Are you smart? (very Awesome!)

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Only some people will reach answer viewer. it is pretty hard to reach that high score. Actually, this will be a easy quiz, but will test your brain capacity.

Are you smart enough? or you dont take it? is your choice, take it if you think your smart enough to pass this easy quiz. It will test your brain capacity, remember!

Created by: realmaster42
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much size you think your brain are able to hold of information?
  2. Where do we live?
  3. I have a question for you: When did years start being counted?
  4. What does "DNA" mean?
  5. What are the three first colors that origins the other colors?
  6. What color are your eyes?
  7. What is even a color?
  8. Breaking news! U.S.A has a new king in 2013!
  9. When you die, what do you see?
  10. Is it true that when is night, in jupiter is still day?
  11. A.R.S means Armor Reasseonal Sintax True? Or it is Anormal Reallistic Signal? --------------------------------- Only above smart people will know why the answer is the answer.
  12. Kittys :D Why do kittys do that voice when we canoodle cats?
  13. This is your last question. How will you react?
  14. Actually this is your last question. So, tell me of the two workers will you agree. Worker A. I will make your house in proof of earthquakes! Worker B. I will make your house safer, but i cant make it perfect.

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Quiz topic: Am I smart? (very Awesome!)