Are you smart or not?

In this quiz you will see how smart you are. Are you smart ?or not? who knows if you are smart? I know who knows if you are smart! This test knows if you are smart!

At the end of the test you will see how smart you are. You will have a score of 0% - 100%. try to get a good score, don't just goof off and do random answers.

Created by: Finney bop
  1. Do you eat seafood?
  2. Who was the smartest person on earth?
  3. What is the biggest country in land mass?
  4. What is the most spoken language?
  5. How often do you study?
  6. How often do you sleep?
  7. Which one is a real word?
  8. do you like this quiz? (answer yes to get a better score.)
  9. how many people speak the least spoken language?
  10. what is three million and one times one

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or not?
