Are you smart or dumb?

Hi! This quiz will determine if you are dumb or smart Good Luck! Also if you want the results to be more accurate make sure to put accurate answers? If ya know what I mean.

Also, make sure to rate it :D This is my first ever quiz and I want it to be nice. I would really appreciate it! And hope you enjoy the quiz and the rest of your day! Byee!

Created by: Hailey
  1. What do you think of yourself?
  2. If you see a dog doing a backflip, what do you do?
  3. 1 + 1
  4. Caliminost
  5. How well do u tipe?
  6. On a scale to 0-5 how HuGe is your forehead?
  7. Do u have trust issues?
  8. Are you a boy or a girl?
  9. Im running out of questionssssssssssss! UHH idk
  10. Laslty do you believe in SaNtAaAaAaA?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or dumb?

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