Are you smart or are you stupid?

" You trully are bored for taking this quiz but obviously cool. f you think about it tell your freinds to take this quiz it would be cool to do that!"

cool man you did it so tell your freinds to take this quiz or else you are not cool at all. man you are cool anyway poop mellon awsome cool pimp cool homie g dawg

Created by: chris

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There are 26 cows in a feild. If lightning strikes kill all but 12 of them, how many are left?
  2. You have 36 pieces of gum and you take away 24 pieces, how many pieces are left?
  3. If you are the pilot of an air plane traveling from south america to africa and you arive at your destination in six hours, what is the pilots name?
  4. If your pool caught on fire, what would you do?
  5. A red house is made from red brick, a blue house is made from blue bricks, and a yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a green house made of?
  6. George Bush is running for president in 2008 and has a 36 to 65 percent chance of winning. Will he be elected president?
  7. If all of Africa sank to the bottom of the ocean, what would be the new largest continent?
  8. Which is worth more, six pounds of aluminum or three pounds of copper?
  9. Which two countries was the spanish civil war fought between?
  10. Which way is it spelled, "Sharpie" or "Sharpy"?
  11. What was the last question that I asked you?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or am I stupid?