are you smart enough

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so I AMARA IROANYA made a quiz are you smart enough it gives you encourage you in your life and you could probably be something in your whole entire life.

I hope you love this quiz and I please please please please be bummed out if you get a bad score which your not. please chose the right the choices in this quiz and pick smart.

Created by: Amara Iroanya
  1. would you rather go outside or study inside your room for a upcoming test and quiz and get a big fat A.
  2. would you do drugs or vape or none above or crack or every drug that you can find.
  3. are you smart enough to do long division or a such thing as long multiplication.
  4. do you think your smart enough to answer infinity plus infinity.
  5. who do you think is smarter a 4th grader or a 5th grader is way more smarter then a 4th grader.
  6. what if you had a slip that could skip any home work as much as u want or get a slip that can add 10*percent to only homework once.
  7. would you rather save a cat or a homeless person who's walking across the street.
  8. what is smarter having a intelligent mind set or amazing super powers that ever one loves you.
  9. would you be popular that people think your cool or be very mature.
  10. would you be unique and perfect in your own skin or popular with the crowd.

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Quiz topic: Am I smart enough
