Are you Slim/Curvy/Chubby/Fat?

Are you Slim, Curvy, Chubby or Fat? That you can fin out in this simple quiz right here with 10 questions and 4 possible, different endings! Share this quiz with you're friends to help me.

In this quiz you can find out how you're belly is and if you are Slim, Curvy, Chubby or Fat. Try it out and let youself be suprised by the 4 differend endings!

Created by: Random_Dude
  1. When you sit, shows you're belly out of you're jeans?
  2. Would you rate yourself?
  3. How do you want to be?
  4. What do you see if you stand up and look down
  5. Do you've got comments about you're weight and do you like them?
  6. When you sit, are they any rolls on you're belly?
  7. How do you feel after walking up stairs?
  8. Do you like stuffing yourself?
  9. How much tims du you eat per day?
  10. How much times do you workout per day

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Quiz topic: Am I Slim/Curvy/Chubby/Fat?

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