Are you shy? (for both genders)

This quiz will see if you're shy or not, that's all idk what to type here so yeah dhjdjdjsijshsjhsnsjsjdjjdndnsnddsshbshdddjjsssjhdhdhsjsjjsjsjsjsjsjjsj


Created by: Yourmom6000
  1. You're going to school tomorrow, what do you think?
  2. You see your crush at the mall, what do you do?
  3. You sneezed in class, what do you think about that?
  4. You were at a party, you accidentally spill a drink on your dress/suit/whatever you're wearing.
  5. Your boyfriend/girlfriend kissed another girl/boy, what do you do?
  6. You trip and fall, what do you do next?
  7. You have to go to the bathroom at school, what do you do?
  8. What do you do in the weekend?
  9. You're at a party, what do you do?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  11. Do you wanna rate or comment

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Quiz topic: Am I shy? (for both genders)
