Are You Shmee???

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There are many Shmee's in this world of ours, but to truly know this test will surely show what you know must be real. If your frightened please dont worry i will help you through this dark time.

Pineapples and monkeys and summer berries and dogs and baths and water and berries and frogs and summercherries YOU DONT KNOW YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF MY POWER YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR IGNORANCE JUST DDDDIIIEE..... keep on truckin!!!

Created by: Shmee52
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Theres a monkey with no face IE Johnathan
  2. LOL monkey lots of fantastic monkeys
  3. Glue stick eating pencils says do you fart
  4. Back to the monkeys they say why master i sasy because love says soo?????
  6. I said be quiet he attacked me with a pencil
  7. Shut Up
  8. Funny weather were having dont ya think
  9. Something else
  10. Last but not least. I have had a mental break whilst making this quiz so please be dont judge but BE MY GUEST TO WHINE AND COMPLAIN YA LITTLE GIT AND JUST SHUT UPLJKVWHNVU8 UCYOW4HOERXCFHPE...To Be Continued

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Quiz topic: Am I Shmee???