Are you Shadster's lover?

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Does Shadster love you? Do you love Shadster? Find the answer to your burning questions by taking this quiz! Get a perfect score and Shadster is sure to be your lover!

I literally do not know what this text box is for soooooo uuuuuhhhhhhh shooosh I dunno I'm just gonna type till I hit the word requirement aight peace nerds.

Created by: ShadstersWife
  1. Do you love Shadster?
  2. Do you whale in FGO?
  3. Do you love Mashu?
  4. Would you sleep with Shadster?
  5. Do you like cats?
  6. Would you marry Shadster?
  7. What is your favorite style of music?
  8. What do you like to drink?
  9. Do you want Shadster's babies?
  10. What is your favorite number?

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Quiz topic: Am I Shadster's lover?

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