Are you secretly Napoleaon????

Ever just wondered 'dam, what if i've been napoleon all my life and ive just never noticed?' No? Well, im sure youve thought it now, so why dont you take this very good quiz and find out.

Its not acurate at all, and i cannot be bothered to spell check any of this, so ahhh have fun i hope it makes sense. Also gramma is overated, i have dicided. Trust your gut i guess.

Created by: onetwothreefour
  1. If you were italian but decided that being french was a jolly good idea, how would you do be that?
  2. Yeah your horse just ran away and all your friends are freezing to death, whatcha gonna do now huh?
  3. some guy is offering you some ciggys, you want a choof?
  4. are you short?
  5. Crepes
  6. You have to go see a doctor, who you going to?
  7. Ice creams?
  8. So, the world is looking rather dull, and youre bored. Now what?
  9. So youve lost your friends again, what now?
  10. Hmm, some people are very mean and dont like you. They left you all on your own, its like your exiled! This is quite a predicament...

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Quiz topic: Am I secretly Napoleaon????
