Are you scared of the dark

Are you SCARED of the dark? Find out here... 'did you here that?' 'did you see that?' is all of it in your head or is it real? The dark is a...well a dark place. A shadow may scare you? Find out if you are truly scared of the dark right here.

Did you check the closet and under the bed? And turned on the night light? If you are truly scared of the dark you did. Some say they are afrade OF the dark and others like myself say they are afrade of what HIDES in the dark...are you? FIND OUT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!! please??

Created by: Michala
  1. If you hear a sound you:
  2. If you see something out of the coner of your eye you:
  3. do you check under the bed,in the closet,or plug in a night light?
  4. do you need a night light
  5. If you have to go outside at night do you freek out
  6. can you sleep alone
  7. Are you afrade of:
  8. wich do you perfer
  9. If you have a nightmare you:
  10. If you sleep at a buddys house do you look around alot when you are going asleep in the dark

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Quiz topic: Am I scared of the dark