Are you scared of me? (Take this quiz when you are alone)

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Hey, are you afraid of me? Please take this quiz. I really want to know if you're afraid of me. Get the results and comment your thoughts please. Ok..

Believe it or not I am a ghost. If you believe it, you are done. If you don't here is the challenge. Get to know if you are brave enough. Just keep going. I am waiting there for you.

Created by: Nuj
  1. Choose the correct answer. Please be truthful.
  2. Do you believe that I am a ghost?
  3. You are alone in the room.
  4. You are ready to get scared.
  5. There is someone sitting in that chair.
  6. There is someone behind you.
  7. I am really behind you.
  8. You saw something moving behind you.
  9. You heard a strange sound earlier.
  10. Trust me I am really behind you.
  11. This questions are making you frightened.
  12. Don't look back.
  13. Don't look back.
  14. Are you afraid of me?

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Quiz topic: Am I scared of me? (Take this quiz when you are alone)
