Are you savage or a free spirit?

So, you wanna know if you're savage or a free spirit? You've come to the right place. First, you should know about the two possible outcomes. Savage means you live your life to the fullest and don't let anything get you down. You don't care about what others think at all and you like to take heavy risks.

A free spirit is someone who likes to have fun, but also knows their limits. They have fun without causing riots, and they do things that don't disturb the peace. You may even be a mixture of both, but this quiz will give you one or the other.

Created by: Heaven Miller
  1. You're at a bar at night and you meet someone. Out of the following, what are you most likely to do?
  2. For some reason, you're home alone in a big house. Whether it's yours or someone else's, you try blasting loud music. What do you do next?
  3. You're driving your new luxury car on the highway at night. You are most likely...
  4. Would you run a red light even if you had time to stop?
  5. Which of these hobbies sounds like something you'd do?
  6. Pick a song
  7. What two colors would you paint your room?
  8. Do you smoke and drink alcohol?
  9. Have you broken any laws?
  10. Someone dares you to go camping deep in a forest that has a history of murders and rumors of voices. They gave you a recorder that will catch paranormal activity. They also gave you a pre-recorded sound effect of a wendigo roar. You have to play it when it's dark. You do so, and you hear a response...

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Quiz topic: Am I savage or a free spirit?
