Are you rude or kind?

Hi y'all! Welcome to my quiz! I tried to make it accurate, and there are not many quizzes like this but I ran out of question ideas so..... Anyway hope you still like it!

Oh, and this might not be very accurate, so if you get a result that doesn't match what you think, just ignore it. Don't fight in the comments or smth. And be truly honest to get more accurate results!

Created by: CookieAnna
  1. When you see a homeless person, what do you do/think?
  2. If you see someone getting bullied unfairly, what would you do?
  3. If you won a $1,000,000 prize, how much would you keep?
  4. Do you mostly forgive or revenge?
  5. Are you a sore loser?
  6. How many true friends do you have? (Not minions or sidekicks, friends)
  7. Are you an optimist, pessimist or realist?
  8. Yourself or others first?
  9. What's your reaction to an insult?
  10. Do you have manners?
  11. Lastly, what do YOU think?

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Quiz topic: Am I rude or kind?
