Are you RossCreations

This quiz is so you can find out if you are RossCreations or not let's found out by taking this quiz or are you vlog creations find out today at this thanks

Do you want to know who you are so toy think you are RossCreations creations find out with this quiz test test testgreen you guys have any other videos of you

Created by: Proper explorations
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you flip off a cop
  2. Do you think your an idiot
  3. Are you mentally disabled or physically disabled
  4. Ford or Chevy or Toyota or Yamaha
  5. Would you kiss a guy even tho you are not gay
  6. Boxers or diapers
  7. Did you ride the short bus as a kid
  8. Have you ever been arrested
  9. If there was a piece of dog crap on the ground what would you do
  10. What would you do if you woke up and found out you were RossCreations for a day
  11. Pepsi or coke

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Quiz topic: Am I RossCreations