Are You Rey Or Kylo Ren?

This quiz will tell you if you are Kylo ren or Rey.Rey starts out as a scavenger on Jakku, but soon becomes a jedi.Kylo Ren is now supreme leader and is head of the first order.Good luck!

This quiz is hopefully lots of fun.If you don't enjoy it i'm very sorry.Please tell me if i've done anything wrong.I really like this quiz and i hope you feel the same way.

Created by: GSFR
  1. Do you easily get angry?
  2. Would you rather be with the resistance or the first order?
  3. do you like Rey or Kylo Ren better?
  4. do you want Rey and Kylo Ren together?
  5. do you prefer Reylo, Bey, or Rylo?
  6. do you have a Kylo Ren mask or Rey lightsaber or both or neither?
  7. would you rather destroy things or practice your lightsaber skills?
  8. have you seen all the star wars movies? (no effect on quiz)
  9. did you like the quiz?
  10. have you watched the last jedi and if so did you like it?

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Quiz topic: Am I Rey Or Kylo Ren?
