Are You Really That Smart at Playing Minecraft

If you have played minecraft, you should take this quiz and see if you are really this smart at this game. You can figure out by taking this quiz right now!

Are YOU smart at playing minecraft? maybe you are, maybe you are not smart at this game. Do you even play the game? Most of y'all do. But if you wanna take a quiz you can certainly do this one!

Created by: Jack
  1. What tool do you use to farm?
  2. How many end portal frames do you need to use to make an end portal
  3. What does a pig turn into when it gets struck by lightning?
  4. What do you need to do to get the achievement "The Beginning"?
  5. Hi
  6. Is Roblox better than minecraft
  7. How do you make lead
  8. FATE
  9. How much obsidian do you need to make a nether portal?
  10. What sounds do Lions make

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Quiz topic: Am I Really That Smart at Playing Minecraft