Are you Really Smart?

There is alot of very smart people in the world but not very many.Find out if Your smart in this tricky quiz.Dont let the questions fool you because you may NOT be smart!

Do you think your smart enough to try this quiz?Are you sure your smart? Try this quiz with alot of tricky questions and maybe you could find out for yourself.

Created by: trikquestionz

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. There is 5 fishes in the water.Three of them drown.How many are left?
  2. A rooster is on top of a roof leaning to the west.It lays an egg.Which direction will the egg fall?
  3. How many faces does a cube have?
  4. How many people live on earth?
  5. How many faces does a pryamid have?
  6. If you move two squares by eachother,What will it make?
  7. A sphere has how many sides?
  8. There is 5 dogs and two cats that are having a dream.They all wake up in the morning and three dogs die along with one cat.How many dogs are left?
  9. A fish just finshed up his meal.Then a bigger fish eats that fish.Then a even bigger fish ate the fish that ate the smaller fish.Then a Shark comes and eats THAT fish.How many fishes got to eat?
  10. Will you comment and rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Really Smart?