Are you really in love?

Love is a tricky thing. Few people ever really understand it. If you're lucky enough to know you have it make sure you keep it! And hey, if it's not love, there's always a chance it could be!

So.. are YOU in love? Do you and your lover have what it takes to make it through the good AND the bad? Or are you two just not meant to be... If you want answers, take this quick quiz and find out!

Created by: The Geek
When Will I Die Test
  1. You're sitting at work completely bored. You are...
  2. When he calls your reaction is...
  3. On a typical Saturday night you are...
  4. You would typically describe your boyfriend as...
  5. You are taking this quiz because...
  6. Your perfect night consists of...
  7. The two of you met...
  8. Would you honestly say you are happy in your relationship?
  9. How long have the two of you been together?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I really in love?