Are you really in Love?

People think they are in love. But are they really? Think about it... do you really know your lover? Let's think this over, shall we? Love is a strong thing!

Are you really in love? Do you know everything about your love? Are the two of you meant for each other? Take this quiz, and maybe even strengthen your relationship!

Created by: emma

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you too obsessed with your love?
  2. how long is your longest relationship?
  3. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
  4. do you have nicknames for each other?
  5. do you trust him/her with all your heart?
  6. how did you meet?
  7. would u give your life for them? (be honest)
  8. what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see him/her?
  9. do you expect to marry them?
  10. which emoticon would you pick about him/her?

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Quiz topic: Am I really in Love?