Are you really creepy?

Always remember, if you're creepy, that's perfectly fine. I am too and most of my friends are creepy too. You'll meet the other creeps and you can stalk people together!

And if you're one of those normal people, please keep your selfies and Starbucks to yourself. People like us will find you and either photo bomb you or sip your coffee when you're not looking.

Created by: Chanel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color are your clothes?
  2. When you wear hoodies, do you like wearing the hood at all times?
  3. You know who Cthulhu is right??
  4. When you get a new profile on social media, how do you add people to your friends list?
  5. It's a friends birthday and you want to get them a present. How do you find out what they want?
  6. What music do you like to listen too?
  7. Do you like the shade?
  8. What do you do on your free time?
  9. How clean is you bedroom?
  10. How creepy do you consider yourself to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I really creepy?