Are you really best friends? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you really best friends?
You two are MEANT TO BE! You like all the same things but disagree on the things that if you did agree on, you would freakin loose your MINDS! So its a good thing you must have SOME differences. But the thing with siamese twins is that if you have multiple, I'm sorry, but you NEED TO CHOOSE ONE! You cant have multiple because-just believe me, It has happened to 4 times in my lifetime! that's a lot for a 47 year old scientist. So just be friends with eachother. The most people who can POSSIBLY be in a friendship like this is 3 and even that is taking a risk you don't want to take. Really, heed my advice. Or you'll lose eachother like I did with my friend Heyley
Thank you! The scientific methods I used on this took a while to research.
Lydia T1 -
Yes we are
good quiz i got team! nice work
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