Are you really a vampire? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you really a vampire?
Are you really a vampire?
Your Result: er, your fangs aren't as sharp as they could be.
You're getting there! Some of your personality is still human which could help you fit in with the mortal world. Its always good to have a bit of both in you. Remember, if you are still worried that your not a vampire, vharmony provides thousands of single vampires just waiting for you to become one of them.
gh20081 -
Cool Result! Most accurate quiz ever!
Are you really a vampire?
Your Result: You are Pure Vampire! 83%Congratulati ons! You are a full fledged vampire. From Bloodsucking, to immortal,you got it down. March yourself right down to Satan and ask for a grand tour of your new home.
73% er, your fangs aren't as sharp as they could be.
0% Human much?
If you really think you have reflexes five times as fast as anybody else's, you need to have a brain check. No one can move THAT fast. -_- This is for people who read too much Anne Rice and worship the stuff like it's Jesus in book form.
Are u really a vampire?Your Result: You are Pure Vampire!
C ongratulations! You are a full fledged vampire. From Bloodsucking, to immortal,you got it down. March yourself right down to Satan and ask for a grand tour of your new home.
Not really but i want to become vampire please turn me.... Please
Not really but i want to become vampire please turn me.... Please
I got 85% i am a Pure Blood and proud of it
Ummm I got 88% my fangs are 47% not good an I got 0% human
holy ***k
i wanna be one of them i want to forget the pain...
danicz131 -
got puer vampire...! oh jees ima go get some blood [yum]
umm ookaaaaaay...?
i got the same as gh2008mcrlover1
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