Are You Really A Country Girl???

Many girls claim that they're a country girl but this quiz will determine that! Please be honest! Or else your results won't be correct. And that will be YOUR fault.

Are YOU a country girl? Do you love horses? Or would you rather text than ride a stallion? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you'll find out!

Created by: Natalie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, first question. Do you love horses?
  2. Second question. Do you find country boys "attractive?"
  3. Have you ever ridden a horse?
  4. Would you ride a dusty, loud 4-wheeler?
  5. How many guys have u dated?
  6. Do you wear your hair in braids sometimes?
  7. How many times have u worn heels?
  8. Do u have any pets?
  9. You're at a restaurant & all they serve is barbecue! What do u order?
  10. Almost done. Has anyone ever called a "city slicker" or a "city girl"?

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Quiz topic: Am I Really A Country Girl???