Are You Ready to own a horse?!

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Are you ready to own a horse?? Are you one of those horse crazy people who beg for a horse every night?? well you are not alone! I do that too :P this quiz may just tell you if your ready or not!

Are you ready to own a horse?? Are you one of those horse crazy people who beg for a horse every night?? well you are not alone! I do that too :P this quiz may just tell you if your ready or not!

Created by: HorseLoverGracie
  1. First of all how long have you been riding?
  2. Do you know how to do a safety/quick release knot?
  3. Can you groom a horse properly???
  4. How well can you ride?
  5. Say you got a horse (Awesome right!) You go up to the paddock one day and see your horse pawing, rolling looking around at his stomach and other symptoms of....
  6. Do you know what a martingale is?
  7. Can you ride bareback?
  8. Can you lead, tack up, untack, muck out, catch, lead, feed and ride a horse properly???
  9. Say you are a beginner. Which horse would you chose?
  10. Do YOU think you are ready for a horse! Remember they are a lot of hard work!

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready to own a horse?!