Are You Ready to Grow Up?

Many People are stuck with a feeling of not being ready. Some are sure they are or are not ready to grow up. But the question is are you really truly Ready?

Take this quick quiz to find out. This may not be the most accurate but I hope it at least gives you an idea or an answer. So have fun and Find out. NOW!

Created by: Haley Is Awesome
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In school did you get an average of?
  2. College?
  3. Job Payment?
  4. Car or Vehicle?
  5. Kids?
  6. In K-12 grades still?
  7. Do you take care of your self right?
  8. Do you plan on living with your parents for the next 6 months or more?
  9. Do you get paid at least twice a month?
  10. Do you personally think your ready to grow up?

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready to Grow Up?