Are you ready to get superpowers?

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Wanna have powers just like Superman, or Ant-Man? Then discover if you are ready to get your powers by taking this quiz! There are 10 questions. LETS GO START THAT QUIZ!

When taking this quiz, you might get some questions that affect your score! I mean, really affect your score!! So make sure your'e honest, PLEASE!!!!!

Created by: Isis Lorenzo
  1. Do you believe in superpowers?
  2. Do you wish to get superpowers?
  3. Do you like music? (not that important, but some superheroes do like music, just saying.)
  4. Do you wish that your superhero story will come true?
  5. Do you want sidekicks in your squad?
  6. Do you hate villians?
  7. Do you exercize?
  8. (be honest) how old are you?
  9. Are you flexible?
  10. On a scale from 1-10, how much did you like this quiz? Be honest.

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to get superpowers?
