are you ready to babysite

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a lot of pepple are wondering am i ready for babysitting? well the finail decion is yours but this may hellp you dicide if you are ready you can also find a lot of babysitting courses online so hope you like it and injoy!:)

are you ready for babysitting a lot of pepole think that baby sitting is easy you will find out its NOT and peapole want to have ther children or child in safe bild ther trust and give this qize a shot

Created by: Whitney
  1. you are taking care of Josi and she wants to watch Elmo her mom said only 3 shows you should...
  2. you are taking care of baby Joe and he barfs up, you should...
  3. if Joe barfing up is not good,his little sisstor Lily starts crying becouse she misses mommy you should...
  4. Saidies friend comes by and asks if saidi can play you should...
  5. Saidies friend comes by and asks if saidi can play you should...
  6. Maggie throws her spill proof cup on the floor you should...
  7. you are taking care of Lilly and her mom told you to give her a bath but she is afraid, you should...
  8. the kids are spose to be in bed but thay dont want to go to bed you should,...
  9. Jane and michal want to go somewaire, but you do not have your drivers licens you should...
  10. you are taking care of some braty kids you should..
  11. kids want you to play with them you should...

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to babysite