Are you ready for the ladybug miraculous?

Thanks for choosing this quiz, sorry if there is spelling errors, I tried to get it done fast and the questions may be a little off I'm sorry about that, but I hope you get the result you want!

But my friend actually is making a quiz about basically the same thing and I didn't mean to copy her ;w; so check out hers too! I hope you have fun playing this quiz.

Created by: Madelyn
  1. Your going home from school, and you see Marinette. Marinette drops her earrings! You..
  2. After that, you go home and..
  3. You go to bed, the next day you go to school and you see people getting bullied. You..
  4. Then, class starts. Your friend sits on gum. You..
  5. You go through every class and now school is out, you see crime happen right as you walk out of school! You..
  6. You go for a nice walk after seeing crime... you see CHAT NOIR! You..
  7. So, than you go home. (if you picked follow chat noir, he ran away from you as quick as possible) You go to bed after what seems endless hours of homework, you wake up and realize ITS THE WEEKEND!!! You..
  8. You enjoy the paradise called weekends, and its Monday. You go to school and someone is blaming a prank on Alya when it was really Chloe who did it. You..
  9. After that..thing.. you go to class and get a B+. The next class is your least favorite, so you..
  10. After school, you walk
  11. Do you love this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for the ladybug miraculous?
