are you ready for a relationship

People can have big relationships and small. All you have to know is i f you are realy ,truly ready .you know when youre ready you just have to know .

Are you ready for a relationship?now you know if you are truly ready for marriage or a dateing.this can tell you if you are realy mature enough to handle a relationship

Created by: lalena

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever asked anyone out?
  2. Do you feel you act maturlly against relationships
  3. Do you feel comfortable talking about your flirt
  4. Do you have a relationshi
  5. (No offense) do you look pretty
  6. Are you a nice person
  7. Have you ever been in a relationship
  8. How many crushes do you have?
  9. Who would you ask for advice on relations
  10. Were you comftorble with this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a relationship