Are You Ready For a Horse?

Figure out if YOUR ready! And this is NOT to a fend anyone so f you don't like it than find something else to do but don't leave hate! I know a lot about horses and love them leasing now!

See now! If you are planning to use your horse for JUST for comps then please give your horse the proper attention it needs :) Hope you like it! I also think that if you get horse it can't live in your backyard!

Created by: vivian
  1. Have you gone riding before?
  2. If you got a horse what would you do with it?
  3. Would you do all that it needs?
  4. Will you pay for it yourself?
  5. :) do you have a place for it to stay near by?
  6. Will you hang out with this horse 7 days a week?
  7. When your looking for a horse do you look for the...
  8. Do you have permission from your parents?
  9. Do you got a plan? (if you have permission)?
  10. Last :)! Do you like horses?

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready For a Horse?
