Are you ready for a cat?

Cats are amazing creatures that need to be taken good care of. Many people adopt cats without any knowledge about them. But some seem to understand what it takes to care for cats.

Are you really ready to own a cat? Are you responsible enough befriend one of these amazing creatures? Find out by answering these simple questions. Have fun!

Created by: Kari
  1. If a cat twitches or lashes its tail it is ____.
  2. If you cat scratches at your furniture, you should ________.
  3. Is it okay to feed your cat leftovers?
  4. If your cat is hissing, you should first ______.
  5. Your cat is losing weight,
  6. Are you willing to spend a lot of money on your cat?
  7. How much time do you have for your cat?
  8. If a cat kneads on you, it thinks of you as a(n) ______.
  9. Do you have children? (Answer for your youngest child)
  10. Purring means a cat is

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a cat?