Are you ready for a cat?

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This is a silly quiz i made to see if you are ready for a cat and stuff and things kind of like that and stuff and i got a migraine last week and it hurt.

It lasted for three hours or something like that. i think it was actually like two hours. and stuff and things like that. and i am eating jelly beans and they taste good.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. This quiz is just meant for fun so don't take this personally.
  2. Have you ever had a cat before?
  3. Are you prepared to spend a lot of your time and money with/on the cat?
  4. Do you care about cat litter germ particles?
  5. Have you researched cats before?
  6. If you have valuables, do you keep them in safe areas?
  7. Answer these next few questions.
  8. What does it mean when a cat has its tail sticking straight up?
  9. A cat has amazing ____!
  10. What should you never, ever feed a cat?
  11. Bye! (also sorry for the long break!)

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a cat?
